It's 2010. We are doing well and I hope you guys are well too. The babies are all doing fine and everything is same old same old.

Baby boy is growing so fast. I can't believe he is already 3 months old.

He has such a lively personality. He is not shy at all and boy is he charming.

On a more serious note, our family desperately needs your prayers for the people of Haiti. I have lots of family still on the island including my mom. I have not heard from her yet and I am trying very hard not to worry. So many are dead/hurt and there is still so much we do not know. My heart is so heavy. Please pray, pray, pray...
You and Ana were the first people I thought of when I heard of the earthquake. I've been praying since then for your loved ones, especially your mom.
Those family photos are so beautiful!
Your little guy is so gorgeous! Thanks for the pictures... I wondered how your brood was doing lately.
Your family is definitely in my prayers. I immediately thought of you when I heard the news of the quake. Hope all is well.
Thank you Ann, I still have not heard from her. Keep praying please.
Erin, Thank you for thinking of us, I'll let you guys know as soon as I hear anything.
I thought of you when we heard the news. My mother was awaiting contact from family as well & we recently heard from them. Praying much that your family can be in touch soon. Grace...
Your family and the little guy are just beautiful!
I'm praying for you and your family members!!!
I'm new to your site, but a glance at your topics and it seems we are indeed kindred spirits. We have been praying for the people of Haiti, now I will be thinking of your family in particular. Your family is beautiful. Be blessed
wow a h happy family, i dream it
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