Make JAM of course.
Here is how I make Star Fruit Jam.
- Wash your glass canning jars and lids in hot soapy water and prepare them for the canner.
- Wash and prepare your fruit
3. Cut up your fruit and remove all seeds
4. In a large stainless steel saucepan, combine your chopped starfruit,, lemon juice, pectin and stir until all of the pectin has dissolved. Bring to a boil over high heat, stirring constantly. After 1 minute of boiling add the sugar to the pot all at once. Return to full boil and stir constantly for 4 minutes.
5. Ladle hot jam into hot jars, leaving 1/4inch head space. Cover jars with cleaned lids and bands. Place jars in canner and bring to a boil and process for ten minutes.
Store your jars, give them as gifts and enjoy.
Star Fruit jam is so yummy. It looks like orange marmalade, has a citrusy smell and taste unbelievable. We now have jars of star fruit jam stored away to enjoy with some home-made biscuits, bread, on top of yogurt, oatmeal or even as a topping for ice cream.
Wow I have never seen star jam before. But it sounds like it was a hit. :)
How are you and the family doing? Is Grandma settling in well? Hope all is okay.
I love these pictures:) You have a beautiful family!
Quiskaeya, Everyone is doing great. My mom has been traveling all over the state of Florida visiting family and will soon return back here.
Oh and I have a jar of Jam waiting for you if you want it.
Margaret, Thank you for visiting, I really love looking at your beautiful family pictures too.
How much of each ingredient do you recommend?
The measurements are
about 10 cups of fruit (more or less)
1 box of pectin low sugar/no sugar
4 cups of sugar
The Jam itself is not very thick, but it is very yummy
Thank you, I was looking for a recipe for star fruit jam that used pectin.
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