Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A Few Of My Favorite Things (Baby Girl's edition)

Hello, I'm Baby Girl, and it's my turn to tell you about some of my favorite things.
One of my favorite things is Willow Smith's You tube video www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymKLymvwD2U&ob=av2e . I like to sing it and whip my hair along with Willow.

Next thing that I love to do is singing and dancing. I am a really good singer and dancer. My favorite song to sing right now is Our God. Here is a short video of me singing my favorite song. I hope you like it.

The last thing I will like to share is my Garden. I love to go outside and help Mama with the garden. I like to weed and water and pull carrots out to eat. My favorite veggies to grow are carrots, sweet peas and pickles. My Daddy planted me a whole bed of carrots this year. I will take good care of them so that they can grow big and yummy.

Thank you for reading about my favorite things. Please share with me what some of your favorite things are.

I'm done for now,

Baby Girl


Anonymous said...

Hey baby girl I had lots of fun with you, your brothers and sister on thanksgiving day. Thanks for the invite. And thanks for sharing your favorite things. You sing and dance well. Good luck with your garden.- FROM Aunty

Micka said...

Thank you for coming Aunty. I love you

Baby Girl